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Invoice Processing

The organization requires an automated solution to the end-to-end invoice processing workflow, from data extraction to payment, reducing manual effort, minimizing errors, and accelerating the approval process. To address this issue, we have developed an RPA Bot that is aimed at revolutionizing the way to BOM.

To address this issue, we have developed an RPA Bot that is aimed at revolutionizing the way to BOM.

1. Automated Data Extraction.
  • We implement RPA bots which are employed to recognize and extract relevant information from invoices, including vendor details, invoice amounts, and line item details.
2. Invoice Approval Workflow
  • Our bots are used to define and automate the approval workflow.
  • Our bots can trigger escalation procedures for invoices that require urgent attention or face delays in the approval process.
3. Integration with ERP Systems
  • Our bot is integrated with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to match invoice data with purchase orders and delivery receipts, ensuring accuracy and preventing overpayments.
4. Reporting
  • Our bot is utilized to generate custom reports on invoice processing metrics, approval times, and financial liabilities for management analysis.
  • Efficiency Gains
  • Error reduction
  • Faster Approval Process
  • Enhanced Compliance

Bill of Material

The organization requires an automated solution to replace the time-consuming and error-prone manual process of a list of materials, components, sub-assemblies, and quantities needed to manufacture a product. Collaboration between different departments involved in the production process, such as engineering, procurement, and production, can be challenging, leading to miscommunication and delays.

To address this issue, we have developed an RPA Bot that is aimed at revolutionizing the way to BOM.


1. BOM Creation and Updates
  • We implement RPA bots to extract BOM information from various sources (design files, Drawings, databases) and enter it into the ERP system.
  • This eliminates the need for manual intervention and ensures that the BOMs are always up-to-date.
2. Cross-Departmental Collaboration
  • RPA bots can facilitate communication between departments by automating the transfer of BOM information.
  • Notifications are also sent to the users for each action.


  • Error Reduction
  • Improved Efficiency
  • Enhanced Communication
  • Time and Cost Savings
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Order Management

Businesses require an efficient solution for Order management in the manufacturing domain involves handling the entire lifecycle of customer orders, from order creation to fulfillment, ensuring accuracy, speed, and improved communication.

To address this issue, we have developed an RPA Bot that is aimed at revolutionizing the way to Order management.

1. Order Entry and Validation
  • We implement RPA bots to extract order details from customer communications, online platforms, or other sources and automatically create orders in the manufacturing system.
2. Integration with Manufacturing Systems
  • RPA bots integrate with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to automatically update production schedules, inventory levels, and resource allocation based on incoming orders.
3. Inventory Management
  • RPA can update inventory levels in real-time as orders are processed, preventing stockouts and enabling better demand planning.
  • Implement RPA-driven processes to automatically trigger reorder alerts when inventory levels fall below a certain threshold.
  • Efficiency Gains
  • Improved Accuracy
  • Enhanced Communication
  • Optimized Inventory

Supply Chain

The organization requires an automated solution for an efficient and streamlined supply chain is essential for timely production, inventory management, and customer satisfaction. This process often leads to enhancing various aspects of the supply chain in a manufacturing company.

To address this issue, we have developed an RPA Bot that is aimed at revolutionizing more agile, efficient, and responsive operations.


1. Email and Chat Automation
  • We implement RPA bots to extract data from demand forecasts, automatically generating and sending purchase orders to suppliers based on predefined triggers.
  • RPA-driven communication processes notify vendors of order confirmations, changes, and delivery updates, fostering better collaboration.
2. Production Planning
  • Our bots are integrated with production planning systems to optimize production schedules based on demand forecasts, resource availability, and inventory levels.
  • The bot helps allocate resources efficiently, considering production requirements and minimizing downtime.


  • Efficiency Gains
  • Improved Efficiency
  • Enhanced Collaboration
  • Cost Savings
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Customer Service

Business requires an automate routine customer service tasks, streamline communication, and enhance overall customer experience. This process often led to elevated customer service capabilities, fostering greater customer satisfaction and loyalty in the competitive manufacturing landscape.

To address this issue, we have developed an RPA Bot that is aimed at revolutionizing more agile, efficient, and responsive operations.

1. Automated Inquiry Handling
  • We implement RPA bots which are deployed to automatically categorize and respond to customer inquiries received through email or chat, addressing common queries and routing more complex issues to human agents.
  • The bot automatically generates and updates tickets based on customer inquiries.
2. Order Status Updates
  • The bot is used to provide customers with real-time updates on the status of their orders, including production progress, shipping details, and expected delivery dates.
  • Notifications are also sent to the users for each action.
3. Product Information Requests
  • Bot accesses product databases and retrieves accurate responses to customer inquiries about product specifications, availability, and pricing.
  • Efficiency Gains
  • Enhanced Communication
  • Improved Customer experience
  • Operational Insights