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Bank Settlement Reconciliation Automation

In today's scenario – it takes 45 minutes for the user to reconcile one report resulting, in 5 years of settlement being pending. There were 2 departments involved that used e-mail, Excel, and a web portal on the desktop to fulfill this task. Also due to large and complex data files, high human error rate was high.
The Ui Path robot handled the automation of the Bank Settlement report and reconciled the report with the core banking system application of the bank.
  • Reduced processing and QA checking times.
  • Reduction of operational costs.
  • Quality improvement to 0% error rate.
  • Improved staff retention - reduced high volume low-value work to focus on complex/higher value work.
  • Improved scalability.
  • Now 24/7 operation (previously 8 am-6 pm weekdays).

UPI and IMPS Complaints Automation

It takes 20 minutes for the user to manage a particular complaint and distinguish it (It is a UPI complaint or IMPS complaint). There was one department involved that used 6 applications, such as Siebel, Finacle, SSRS e-mail, EJ, Excel, and a web portal on desktop. The information was structured, with pre-determined rules and conditions. There were less than 5% of exceptions.


The Ui Path robot handled the automation of UPI and IMPS complaints which were reported on the portal. These complaints were further validated and processed accordingly as per the business requirement.


  • Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%.
  • Manual effort reduction to 15%.
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 75%.
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value activities.
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ATM Complaints Automation

In today's scenario – it takes 10 minutes for the user to manage a single complaint. It was difficult to correlate complex multiple data sources from different EJ’s. Large and complex data files ( Ej’s ) resulted in a high human error rate at the time of processing.
The Ui Path robot handled the automation of ATM complaints that were raised by the customers. These complaints were further validated and checked and proofreading (Reading Data from EJ Logs) was done by the BOT. A complete report to the Business User was sent by the BOT.
  • Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%
  • Manual effort reduction to 5%
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 80%
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value activities.

ATM Reconciliation Automation

The customer needed to automate the ATM Reconciliation process with a volume of 2000 transactions per month, an AHT of 400 seconds per transaction, and 3 FTEs. There were four departments involved that used two different applications on both web and desktop. The information was structured, with pre-determined rules and conditions.


The UiPath robot handled the interface between Siebel and Finacle applications. It exported various reports from the application and reconciled the data. The reconciliation report was sent to the nominated business user.


  • Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%
  • Manual effort reduction to 5%
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 80%
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value activities.
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EMI Foreclosure Automation

In today's scenario – it takes 10 minutes for the user to manage a single request for EMI Foreclosure. User dependency was more in this process resulting in the delay of the transaction.
The UiPath robot handled the automation of the EMI Foreclosure process. The requests were sent by the bank customers to foreclose the Existing Loan, further, these requests were approved and sent to the concerned team for foreclosure.
  • Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%.
  • Manual effort reduction to 2%.
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 70%.
  • User-friendly and better user acceptance.

CMS Complaints Download Automation

The customer needed to automate the CMS Complaints download process with a volume of 300 transactions per month, an AHT of 300 seconds per transaction, and 2 FTEs. There were two departments involved that used two different applications on Both web and desktop. The information was structured, with pre-determined rules and conditions.


The UiPath robot handled the automation of CMS complaints which were raised by the customers on RBI Portal. These complaints were further validated, checked, and forwarded to the nominated team. A complete report to the Business User was sent by the BOT.


  • Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%.
  • Manual effort reduction to 5%.
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 80%.
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value activities.
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CMS Complaints Upload Automation

The customer needed to automate the CMS Complaints upload process with a volume of 250 transactions per month, an AHT of 200 seconds per transaction, and 2 FTEs. There were two departments involved that used two different applications on both web and desktop. The information was structured, with pre-determined rules and conditions.
The Ui Path robot handled the automation of CMS complaints which were raised by the customers on RBI Portal. These complaints were further validated, checked, and uploaded to the Portal. A complete report to the Business User was sent by the BOT.
  • Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%.
  • Manual effort reduction to 5%.
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 80%.
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value activities.

CPGRAMS Complaints Automation

The customer needed to automate the CPGRAMS Complaints process with a volume of 150 transactions per month, an AHT of 400 seconds per transaction, and 1 FTE. There was only one department involved that used two different applications on both web and desktop. The information was structured, with pre-determined rules and conditions.


The UiPath robot handled the automation of CPGRAMS complaints which were raised by the customers on RBI Portal. These complaints were further validated, checked, and sent to the business user for evaluation of the complaint. A complete report to the Business User was sent by the BOT.


  • Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%.
  • Manual effort reduction to 5%.
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 80%.
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value activities.
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TPA Insurance and Corporate Credit Business Automation

For the patients covered under any insurance, a cashless facility is available in the hospital. At the time of discharge, a claim is being raised for the billed amount against the respective TPA. Based on the payment made by the TPA/ insurance company on settling the claim, the deposit made by the patient is returned. SAP application is used in this process.
End-to-end TPA insurance and corporate credit business process is automated. At the end of the day, it provides a detailed report. Based on the report, patient and claim-wise account receivable entries are created in the Ledgers of TPA (All TPA have separate ledgers). Patient-wise entry is created in the security ledger for the amount deposited by the patient.
  • Degree of robotization: 95% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%.
  • Manual effort reduction to 10%.
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 75%.
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value activities.

Pre-Audit Preparation Automation

In today's scenario – it takes 45 minutes for the user to prepare a pre-audit report for each branch. There was 1 department involved that used e-mail, Excel, and a web portal on the desktop to fulfill this task. Also due to large and complex data files, high human error rate was high also the use of Macros in Excel.


The UiPath robot handled the automation of preparing pre-audit reports which were asked by the user for each branch. This request was further carried out by the bot and complete MIS reports were generated and sent to the business user.


  • Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%
  • Manual effort reduction to 2%
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 80%
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value activities.
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Bank Reconciliation Process Automation

Files were manually processed by multiple FTEs with high processing time for data validation. Large and complex data files result in a high human error rate when processing. Volumes of files varied each month and had a turnaround time of 6-10 days.
Developed a robust reconciliation process to speed up the execution time. BOT picks and reads the file that needs to be reconciled from a particular predefined folder and starts the process. Once the process has been completed successfully the bot then emails the completion report.
  • Degree of robotization: 90% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%.
  • Manual effort reduction to 10%.
  • 81 hours of effort saved monthly.
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 30%.
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value activities.

Insurance Claim Process Automation

Data was fetched via online portals, emails, and file submissions via FTP. Volumes varied each month and had a service level turn round of 6-10 days. Processed files are manually pushed to interact with multiple applications such as CRM, legacy systems, web portals, email, and Excel thus data compatibility is essential.


The bot logs into the online portal, email, and FTP location, checks for incoming requests determines the type of request, and extracts the data. Data Validation checks and data Variance checks are done as per requirements, the bot then logs into the required applications and completes the transaction as per the request type. Once the process is completed successfully, the bot then emails the completion report to the


  • Degree of robotization: 90% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%.
  • Manual effort reduction to 10%.
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 85%.
  • Cost savings of 60%.
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NAV Reconciliation set upload Automation

This client aimed to implement and operate automation for their Mutual fund report activity to gain significant FTE savings. Mutual fund reports were reconciled manually. Around 45 reports were processed per day for which 1 FTE was working.
The UiPath automation solution comprised of downloading the reports from 3 different websites and collating the report in one single report. This report further was uploaded to the Money application.
  • Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated.
  • Error rate reduced to 0%.
  • Faster processing time – reduction of 70%.
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value Activities.
  • Now 24/7 operation (previously 8 am-6 pm weekdays).

NMC Reversal after 3 months process Automation

The customer needed to automate an operation that was previously fully manual and time-consuming. It involved using applications such as Finacle, Siebel, and Xelerate. The RPA project was implemented as part of the client’s intercompany reversal of maintenance charges.


The UiPath robot handled the processing of maintenance charges using different inputs from applications such as Finacle, Siebel, Xelerate, and Excel files to reduce errors and increase efficiency.


  • Process handled with great efficiency.
  • Significant productivity gains.
  • Reduced manual working.
  • Decreased volume of reworking.
  • Employees were redeployed to higher-value Activities.
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